Blockchain architecture and implementation — part 1

Blockchain architecture and implementation — part 1


Building a blockchain is different from developing a blockchain network. While the latter is called blockchain development, the former is called blockchain engineering. To implement a blockchain, you must learn a plethora of concepts that serve as the bedrock of blockchain technology. This article does not offer the theoretical knowledge required to build a blockchain network; instead, it provides a practical and more hands-on approach to building a blockchain.

We will look at data structures, cryptography, Merkle Trees, BadgerDB, Wallets, etc as we advance into the tutorial series, and they will be introduced practically to the reader.

What a blockchain is

A blockchain is a sequence of chronologically organized blocks that consist of transaction records that are immutable, digitally signed, and formally verified by the network clients or nodes using a mining process.

Blockchain is a subset of distributed ledger technology. It is a kind of decentralized and distributed database ledger system used for making transactions open to everyone on the chain. One of the most critical feature of blockchain technology that makes it different from several other database systems is time-stamping.

Generic elements that a blockchain is made of

Let’s look at definitions of terms you are required to know to fully understand this tutorial.

  1. A block is a set of related transactions that are grouped together and organized locally. Each block references the block before it, except the genesis block.

  2. A transaction is a record of an event. In normal database terms, a transaction is usually the transfer of monetary value from one account to another.

  3. The genesis block is the first block in the chain of blocks. It is hardcoded when the blockchain is initially started.

  4. A nonce is a number generated and used only once to provide replay protection, authentication, and encryption in cryptography.

  5. The address is a unique identifier in a transaction that denotes the members involved in the transaction. It is a public key or its derived from a public key.

  6. A Node is a part of the blockchain network that performs a particular function. That function can be verifying a transaction, or signing a contract, or ordering transactions into the blockchain.

  7. Smart contracts are pieces of code (or programs) that run on the blockchain. The code is a business logic that is executed or triggered once a condition is met. Smart contracts are built with scripting languages, and not all blockchains support smart contract development.

Practical explanations

A blockchain is made up of a chain of different blocks. Each of the blocks contains data (or transactions) that we want to add to the database. The transactions are grouped and appended to the blockchain as a unit. They also contain hashes of the past and next block. Using structs, we can group associated data to one custom type:

type Block struct {
   CurrentHash         []byte
   Data                []byte
   PreviousHash        []byte

This structure shows that each block in a blockchain references the previous block before it. Any current block in the chain derives a hash based on the data and the previous hash (or the last block's hash). A function is required to derive this hash for the current block. We will create a method to do that:

func (b *Block) DeriveHash() {


We used a pointer receiver method because we will be modifying the value of the dissident struct. The Join function in the bytes package is used to join the slices of byte together. We will join the Data byte slice and the PreviousHash byte slice together as a two-dimensional slice of byte, and then an empty slice of byte. The method becomes:

func (b *Block) DeriveHash() {
    newHashData := bytes.Join([][]byte{b.Data, b.PreviousHash}, []byte{})

Moving further, we will create a sum256 hash for the current block, depending on the Data and the PreviousHash i.e. newHashData. After that, we will push it into the block. That line of code is:

hash := sha256.Sum256(newHashData)
b.Hash = hash[:]

We may now proceed to write a function that creates the new block. It will receive a string of data and the PreviousHash byte slice, and returns a pointer to a Block:

func CreateBlock(data string, PreviousHash []byte) *Block {


This method will create a block. For the CurrentHash, we will put in an empty byte slice, the data will be a string of data converted into a byte slice, and the PreviousHash will be passed normally since it is already a byte slice. Moving on, we will call the DeriveHash method to derive a hash for this new block, before it is returned. The method becomes:

func CreateBlock(data string, previousBlockHash []byte) *Block {
    block := &Block{[]byte{}, []byte(data), previousBlockHash}
    return block

What we have now is a program that collects a data, hashes it, then creates a block to store it. What makes it a blockchain is if there exist more than one block linked together as a chain. This means we have to create a Blockchain type of blocks, having an array of pointers to blocks:

type Blockchain struct {
   blocks []*Block

Next, we will create a method that will merge a block to the chain. It will point to the Blockchain and take in a string of data. We will take the previous block, create a new block, then merge the new block to the chain of blocks.

func (chain *Blockchain) AddBlock(data string) {
   previousBlock := chain.blocks[len(chain.blocks)-1]
   newBlock := CreateBlock(data, previousBlock.CurrentHash)
   chain.blocks = append(chain.blocks, newBlock)

Given, it doesn't make any sense for the first block in the blockchain to have a previousBlock. Thus, we will create a function that uses the first a.k.a Genesis block to create an initial version of the blockchain. It will return a reference to the Blockchain type having an array of pointers to Block while calling the Genesis function.

func Genesis() *Block {
   return CreateBlock("Genesis Block", []byte{})

func InitialBlockchain() *Blockchain {
   return &Blockchain{[]*Block{Genesis()}}


Finally, let's link the entire blockchain system together in the main function. This is done by creating a chain and initializing the blockchain. You can then go ahead to add data to as many blocks as you want with the AddBlock function. To see the blocks as a blockchain, you can run a for loop to range through the contents of each block. The main function looks thus:

func main() {
   chain := InitialBlockchain()

   chain.AddBlock("This is the First Block after Genesis")
   chain.AddBlock("This is the Second Block after Genesis")
   chain.AddBlock("This is the Third Block after Genesis")

   for _, block := range chain.blocks {
      fmt.Printf("Previous Hash: %x\\n", block.PreviousHash)
      fmt.Printf("Data contained in Block: %s\\n", block.Data)
      fmt.Printf("Current Hash: %x\\n", block.CurrentHash)

The output after running the source file is similar to the following:

Previous Hash:
Data contained in Block: Genesis Block
Current Hash: 89eb0ac031a63d2421cd05a2fbe41f3ea35f5c3712ca839cbf6b85c4ee07b7a3
Previous Hash: 89eb0ac031a63d2421cd05a2fbe41f3ea35f5c3712ca839cbf6b85c4ee07b7a3
Data contained in Block: This is the First Block after Genesis
Current Hash: f89f193b0b7dfd647bf362fa4a8700aaf8434aedd1be079bb605166571aaefd8
Previous Hash: f89f193b0b7dfd647bf362fa4a8700aaf8434aedd1be079bb605166571aaefd8
Data contained in Block: This is the Second Block after Genesis
Current Hash: 9e2e5b35b53748d12b3d39d9e32b970b05c3c8643b42bfdcbd5ee61a4088120c
Previous Hash: 9e2e5b35b53748d12b3d39d9e32b970b05c3c8643b42bfdcbd5ee61a4088120c
Data contained in Block: This is the Third Block after Genesis
Current Hash: 4a6e691c26c0436c5fa748825ef355b72f7c057302387cec300d29e64aaa01e5

You will notice that the first PreviousHash is empty, as it is the Genesis block. If you rerun the blockchain system, the hashes remain the same. If the data is chained in any block, the hash becomes something different.


In this article, you gained a practical knowledge of how blockchain technology is implemented. We looked at how blocks are created and added to a blockchain. We moved further than creating the logic for the genesis block and new blocks to creating the logic for the blockchain itself. In subsequent tutorials, we will see how to set up a wallet and implement the proof of work consensus protocol for our blockchain.